The emergency preparedness fair held on Saturday, August 28th, couldn’t have come at a better time. As fire crews left the fair to fight the May Van Canyon fire that sprouted that day, Matthew Nielsen, Boy Scout in Troup 49, kept the show running at the Convention Center, educating people about how to be prepared. Vendors from the Big Bear Valley, and from off the mountain displayed, sold and gave away emergency preparedness information, gear, and food. Honeyville Grains displayed their wide variety of dried foods that can be used in an emergency by just adding water. KBHR was at the event as well, and gave away a solar powered, hand crank radio that can come in handy during power outages. The men and boys of Boyscout Troop 49 set up a campsite with emergency gear, displaying the Boyscout way. Troop 49 also cooked hotdogs, and had snacks and drinks for the crowd. Matthew emceed the event, and ran the drawing that operated every 30 minutes, prizes included 72 hour kits, that provide food and supplies for 72 hours after an emergency. Bob Barnett, long time Big Bear City Fire Fighter acted as one of Matthews mentors for the event, and was very proud of the job the 14-year-old Boy Scout had done. “I cant believe he is only 14,” said Barnett, “he has some future ahead of him.” The event was a big success, educating the community about what to do in case of an emergency, and what to do before an emergency happens.