San Bernardino County, CA — Long-time Assistant and Deputy Fire Chief Dan Wurl has been appointed as the new Fire Chief for the San Bernardino County Fire Department, assuming command from just-retired Fire Chief Pat Dennen, a Big Bear High School graduate who began his 36-year career as a firefighter as a volunteer with the Big Bear City Fire Department. Dennen’s successor Wurl also started his career as a volunteer firefighter, and has worked his way through the ranks in a 36-year career, which included a 2001 appointment as Assistant Fire Chief for San Bernardino County Fire. During this time, Fire Chief Wurl played a leading role in the formation of the Mountain Area Safety Task Force, and assisted in the merging of 27 separate fire districts to form what is now County Fire, which provides fire protection services to five cities and 65 unincorporated communities; Wurl also served as the Unified Incident Commander during the 2003 Grand Prix Fire. The County’s Administrative Officer Greg Devereaux appointed Wurl to his new post, given his unique knowledge of the department’s organizational and finance structure–noting also, that with fire season approaching, Wurl could immediately take the reins without enduring a learning curve. In a statement from the County’s new Fire Chief Dan Wurl, he says, “I take great pride in County Fire and relish the opportunity to lead such a group of professionals. I will strive to continue to meet our motto of being a premier fire service.” Wurl and Dede, his wife of 28 years, have two children and reside in Yucaipa.