The City of Big Bear Lake’s Improvement Agency will host a public presentation on the Buxton Customer Analytic Report in a community meeting on Wednesday, October 28. The two-hour meeting, taking place in Hofert Hall in the Big Bear Lake Civic Center, will focus on the Buxton Report, which highlights the demographics of Valley visitors, second homeowners and residents, as well as their shopping habits, and areas of opportunity in the local retail marketplace. The Buxton Company’s Lisa Hill, vice president of their “Community ID” Division, will provide results of their retail marketing analytic and retail matching analysis through the Community ID program; this research can be used by existing businesses to better understand the consumer base and potential opportunities. Staff from the City of Big Bear Lake will also be available at the October 28 meeting, which starts at 6pm, to share info on business retention efforts. For more information on the Buxton Report, contact the City’s Redevelopment Director Lyle Haynes at 866-5831.