San Bernardino County’s Special Districts Department will be providing snowplowing services for specified roads within Sugarloaf, as well as other County service areas including Lake Arrowhead, Crestline and Running Springs, given a unanimous vote by County Supervisors in their meeting on Tuesday. This snowplowing contract, between the County’s Public Works Department and Special Districts will be funded in whole or in part by federal funds available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and, per the agreement of January 12, will allow for an expenditure up to $80,000 per year through June 2012. The snowplowing agreement is for about 2.3 miles of roads in Sugarloaf, specifically on and adjacent to Barton Lane. Per the plowing agreement, when snow is up to a depth of 10 inches, snow removal will be complete within six hours after end of storm; within 24 hours for snow levels up to 20 inches, 36 hours for up to 30 inches, and 48 hours for up to 40 inches. Should there be more than 40 inches of snowfall, snowplow operators under this agreement will have up to 84 hours to complete snow removal.