Big Bear Valley, CA, September 18, 2012, 6:00am – The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Works recently completed a 40-mile chip seal project along various roads in the Angelus Oaks, Arrowbear, Big Bear, Crestline, Green Valley Lake, and Running Springs areas. The County typically applies a chip seal to roadways two to three years after they have been resurfaced to protect the new surface by sealing it, providing a protective layer while rejuvenating dry and weathered asphalt pavement. Approximately 63 miles of chip seal were completed in fiscal year 2011/2012, and the County expects to complete another 80 miles in fiscal year 2012/2013. Recently revised procedures in the chip seal process such as additional quality control measures, smaller chip size, and the application of a fog seal coat, have resulted in an improved product.