Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – The Friends of Big Bear Valley, the non-profit organization that hosts the Big Bear Eagle Webcam, have comfimed that one of Jackie and Shadow’s chicks did not make it through this latest winter storm that brought over 2 feet of snow to the area. The chick’s passing happened sometime after all three were observed together getting fed at 6 pm on Thursday, March 13rd. It is believed to be the third eaglet that hatched on Thursday, March 6th but the Friends can’t confirm which chick it was because they are all very close in size. On Sunday, March 16th at 6:58 am, Shadow was seen pulling the dead chick out of the nest.
On social media, Friends of the Big Bear Valley, Sandy Steers, has said “We understand that this news is very hard to hear. Even when nature is difficult to watch, and sometimes even harder to understand, we must trust that it has its reasons. In the midst of the sadness, we want to honor the life of this chick for its courage in getting as far as it did and for the joy it brought to us in its short time here”. Friend’s reports that the other two eaglets are continuing to thrive and are doing well. The live webcam is available for viewing on YouTube.