Since 1998, over 250 members of our community have participated in Community Emergency Response Team training so that when, not if, a disaster situation occurs in the Big Bear Valley—be it fire, flood, windstorm or earthquake—they are prepared to assist our local emergency personnel. CERT volunteers respond in these disaster situations by fanning out within their neighborhood to extinguish small fires, turn off natural gas inlets to damaged homes, perform light search and rescue, and administer basic first aid. If you would like to join the CERT team, a training course is offered for just $10, and topics of instruction will include fire safety, disaster preparedness and medical operations, life search and rescue operations, and disaster psychology. Though the CERT course is open to all members of the community, the class is limited to 30 participants. To register for CERT training, which takes place evenings from March 9 through 13 at the Big Bear City Fire Department, please call 585-2362 to register. Those who complete Community Emergency Response Team training will receive the CERT training handbook, a hard hat, vest, gloves and CERT identification card.