Big Bear Lake, CA, Friday, December 16, 2011, noon – The Big Bear Valley Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) presented awards to members at their recent holiday party. Norma Grimes was recognized as Volunteer of the Year and presented with a plaque for her dedication and many hours spent compiling CERT member’s hours, keeping track of the changing status of members, and information on incoming members. Also recognized with a plaque was Art Langer was recognized for his four years of active membership as President, Vice President and Treasurer with over 600 volunteer hours in the program. Bob Kawka was recognized for his chairmanship as Training Coordinator for the last four years. With his committee they set up all the monthly training classes and the annual field exercises. The next Big Bear Valley CERT meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2011 at 6:00 pm at the Big Bear Senior Center.