Big Bear Valley, CA — Baldwin Lane Elementary School will once again be hosting Saturday Academy tomorrow, for both elementary and middle school students who have an absence to make up; in doing so, students will allow BVUSD to recapture average daily attendance funding in the amount of $33.88. Those families planning to send their child to Saturday Academy should first RSVP, by calling the school at 585-7766 ext. 222.
While students participate in this fun learning day, from 8am to noon at Baldwin Lane in Sugarloaf, parents are invited to join the support network Common Ground for a special workshop titled “Exploring Solutions to Bullying: Revealing Authentic Power.” The parent workshop takes place from 8:30 to 11:30am in Baldwin Lane’s room B12, and though free, RSVPs are requested at 801-1766. Common Ground also offers another learning opportunity for parents on Monday, April 26 at Community Church by the Lake (on Big Bear Boulevard at Knickerbocker in Big Bear Lake). A free dinner will be offered at 6pm, followed by a two-hour workshop exploring local teens’ substance use. Childcare for children ages 5 and up will also be provided during Monday evening’s Common Ground session for parents but, again, RSVPs are required; Common Ground can be reached at 801-1766.