San Bernardino Valley College is offering seven classes for the fall 2009 semester here in Big Bear, and enrollment will be open through August 16. College classes at Big Bear High School will begin starting Monday, August 17 and this semester’s local offerings include American Sign Language I, Conversational Spanish I, Bookkeeping, Literature and Religion of the Bible, Human Ecology, Physical Geography, and Elements of Public Speaking; online courses are also available, and a local math instructor will provide tutoring to those enrolled in any math class. To ease the registration process for college classes on the mountain, San Bernardino Valley College will offer a one-stop registration opportunity on Saturday, August 8, starting at 9am at Big Bear High School. The application process will be outlined in the 9am hour; from 10am to noon, prospective college students can take math and reading assessments, if needed; counseling and registration will take place from noon to 2pm. Financial aid workshops will also be available on the 8th, at 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am and 12:30pm. College classes offered through San Bernardino Valley College cost $20 per unit, and are free to current high school students; books and fees are extra. For more information about San Bernardino Valley College, contact Associate Dean Dan Angelo at 384-8568.
If unable to attend the August 8 registration workshop in Big Bear, students can follow these directions to apply for San Bernardino Valley College online:
Signing up for classes is a two-part process that takes place online. Step one is enrollment in the college, step two is registering for the actual classes. Go online to: There you will find a link on the left side that says, “Apply/Register.” During step one, you will apply to the college to be a student. There is an online application form that needs to be submitted. Once submitted, applicants will receive an email within 48 hours confirming their application has been accepted. In this email is important information for step two—registering for the individual classes.
The email from the college will include: a Valley College Student ID number, information about Valley College and how to set up a student email account with the college.
With this information in hand, applicants can go back online for step two—registering for the classes they want. In the Course Listing of classes, it gives the location of each class. Look for classes located in Big Bear or look up the titles of the classes listed above and then find the individual class that takes place in Big Bear. Classes cost $20 per unit plus additional fees and books.
Current high school students can enroll in San Bernardino Valley College while still attending Big Bear High School and register for college classes as well. Current high school students have a slightly different process. Go to This page will have a different set of instructions. Classes for current high school students are free. High school students only pay for fees and books but there is no cost per unit.