The City Council of Big Bear Lake meets for their first meeting of the year, this evening at 6:30pm in Hofert Hall in the Big Bear Lake Civic Center. This evening’s meeting includes two Public Hearing items, one with regard to the moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries within Big Bear Lake, the other with regard to the bail schedule related to parking violations. City Council will also take action on updated administrative fees, as proposed by the Department of Water and Power. As proposed, connection fees will be updated from 2007 to $7,648 per EDU, or equivalent dwelling unit. The current rate has been $5,631, though included a $1,139 supplemental water charge for a total of $6,770 per new connection, so the new fee structure amounts to $878 more than established in 2007. City Council meetings, now led by Mayor Liz Harris, are open to the public and, again, begin at 6:30pm.