Big Bear Lake, Ca, August 17, 2010, 12:00pm The Big Bear Sheriff’s Station and California Highway Patrol will host a child-restraint fitting clinic on August 19, 2010 from 10:00am to 3:00pm in the Parking lot on 477 Summit Blvd next to the Sheriffs Station. Child- passenger safety technicians will be on hand to instruct parents on how to properly use child-safety seats in their cars. The technicians will check for seat recalls, determine if a seat is the proper size for the child and make sure the child is being properly secured. In certain cases, car seats will be replaced through grant funding from the state office of traffic safety. Child Identification kits will also be available at the clinic free of charge. Sheriffs Department personnel will fingerprint your child and will give you a kit to keep as a personal record that includes guideline to discuss with your child. To make an appointment, call Tiffany Swantek at the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station, 909-866-0103.