If you haven’t yet picked your pumpkin for the Halloween season, or are looking for a fun and free family outing, Century 21 Bonnie Blue Real Estate will be hosting their sixth annual Pumpkin Patch Celebration this Saturday, October 24. As Bonnie Blue tells KBHR, “We do this every year, and this year we are giving away 800 pumpkins. We also have games and prizes and candy, Art Harriman for entertainment, and costume contests—and it’s all free.” The Pumpkin Patch Celebration runs from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, in Big Bear Lake at the corner of Big Bear Boulevard and Highland, across from the Century 21 Bonnie Blue offices just west of Red Ant Hill. All are invited to come and pick a pumpkin and, adds Blue, “It’s fun to watch the kids—the littlest kids always tend to pick the biggest pumpkins. We enjoy doing this, and being able to give back to the community. It’s a really good feeling.”