Big Bear News – Big Bear – The California Department of Transportation has initiated a
$3.5 million Director’s Order to begin an emergency project to repair damages to State
Route 38 as a result of the El Dorado wildfire. The project is between Thurman Flats and Glass Road.
The project was awarded to Riverside Construction Company, Inc. and began on
Friday, October 2. The work will stabilize slopes, remove debris and hazardous/burned
trees, excavate and clear culverts and debris flow basins, replace debris racks, and include rock slope scaling. The schedule is Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00m p.m., and will require traffic control until the project is complete. The project is expected to be complete by late spring 2021, contingent on weather and any further damage.
Be advised that SR 38 will be subject to FULL closure during storm events due to predicted
debris flows. Please use State Route 330 or 18 to avoid delays to and from Big Bear.