San Bernardino, CA — For students planning to attend college next school year, and their parents, California State University San Bernardino is offering a free series of financial aid workshops, each of which will cover the types of aid available, how financial aid is determined, how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid filing, how to avoid application errors, the application process and more. Upcoming financial aid workshops, which again are free and without a reservation requirement, are being held on Saturday, February 20 at 10am, Tuesday, February 23 at 4pm and Monday, March 1 at 1pm. Those applying for federal aid for college should file by March 2, at; students should also ask their current school to submit a verified grade point average to the California Student Aid Commission by Tuesday, March 2 to be considered for a Cal Grant. For more information on these sources of college aid, incoming college students should consider the free financial aid seminars; for more information, call Cal State San Bernardino’s financial aid office at 909/537-5227.
Cal Sate San Bernardino is located at 5500 University Parkway in San Bernardino. The February 20 seminar will be held in University Hall, room 106; February 23 in Jack Brown Hall, room 102; March 1 in the Pine Room, Lower Commons.