Big Bear, CA, February 4, 2016 – Unused or unwanted medications that are stored at home are highly susceptible to misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, and prescription drugs are the Big Bear Valley’s third most abused substance by youth, tied with ecstasy. The most common way prescription drug abusers obtain these drugs is by receiving, buying, or stealing from friends or family who have extra, unused or expired medications. In order to combat this problem the community came together in January 2015 to place a Prescription Drug Take Back Box in our community.
Since the installation of Big Bear Valley’s own permanent Prescription Drug Take Back Box, residents have properly disposed of over 350 pounds of excess, unused, or expired medications that if left in their medicine cabinets could have been potentially abused, stolen, or sold. By utilizing the Take Back Box, community members are all working together to keep Big Bear youth safe.
The Prescription Drug Take Back Box has been brought to the community by the combined efforts of the Breakthrough Taskforce, Rim Family Services, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Big Bear Station, and financial contributions from McDonald’s of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency, Big Bear Chamber of Commerce, Bear Valley Hospice LLC; Dr. C. Stewart, and Big Bear Cool Cabins.
Community members are encouraged to continue to utilize the Prescription Drug Take Back Box to properly dispose of prescription medications. The box is located in the County building that formerly housed the court, adjacent to the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station at 477 Summit Boulevard in Big Bear Lake. It is available Monday through Friday during business hours.