Big Bear Valley, CA — This Thursday, April 22 marks Earth Day, which has been celebrated in support of the environment since 1970. Should you be looking for ways to establish—or renew—your commitment to do your part this Earth Day, you can choose to reuse shopping bags, take a moment to pick up litter ’round the lakeshore or in your neighborhood, or take advantage of curbside recycling opportunities available from both Big Bear Disposal (866-3942) and the Community Services District (585-2565).
There are also opportunities to celebrate Earth Day with community, starting with Thursday’s Earth Day event being hosted by Bear Valley Electric Service. From 11am to 2pm, BVES and other agencies, including DWP and CSD, will be sharing information, food and freebies, and power plant tours; the Earth Day Community Celebration takes place at 42020 Garstin Drive in Big Bear Lake.
The Friends of the Big Bear Library will also host a special event for youth, who will be able to share in books and decorate their own recyclable bag, donated by the Sierra Club; this activity takes place at 4pm Thursday at the library at 41930 Garstin Drive.
On Saturday, April 24, the Sierra Club hosts an Earth Day Fair at the new Copper Q on Pine Knot Avenue in the Village. The fair runs from 11am to 4pm, and will include a number of activities, as well as Xeriscape demonstration gardens, Earth Day-themed tours, and booths hosted by Friends of Fawnskin, Forest Care, the Bear Valley Trails Foundation, the Big Bear community garden project, and the Sol Food produce co-op, among others. The Sierra Club Big Bear Group encourages Valley residents and visitors to come on down and join the fun, while celebrating the planet we live on.
For those looking to celebrate Earth Day with an outdoor adventure, there will also be a Saturday morning group hike along the Pacific Crest Trail (more details available at MountainTopHiking.com) and the first round of docent training, starting at 11am on the 24th, for those interested in volunteering at the zoo; for more info on this opportunity at the Moonridge Animal Park, call 878-4200.