Full-time residents of the City of Big Bear Lake are being sought for appointment to both the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Water and Power and the City of Big Bear Lake’s Planning Commission. To serve on one of five seats available on the two commissions, residents must be registered voters and available for a four-year term.
On the DWP Board, terms for Commissioners Barbara Willey and Fred Miller expire on June 30. DWP Commissioners, who are appointed by City Council, hold responsibilities including decisions related to water conservation, supply, generation, distribution and sale of water and related services, and are expected to attend DWP Board meetings, held on the fourth Tuesday morning of each month. (Ongoing commissioners on this board of five include Chairman Steve Foulkes, Bill Giamarino and Robert Tarras.)
Applicants for the Planning Commission, to replace seats held through June’s end by Rick Hackney, Rich Lambert and Craig Smith, should be available for meetings held each month on first and third Wednesday afternoons. Planning Commissioners’ primary duties include preparing, adopting and maintaining a long-range comprehensive Master Plan for the City’s growth and development, and serving as an advisory body to the City Council on matters related to growth and development, such as General Plan amendments and zone changes, and analyzing development applications, such as conditional use permits and condominium maps. (Ongoing commissioners on this board of five include Chairman Anne Zimmerman and David Caretto.)
Prospective candidates for the DWP Board and the Planning Commission can pick up an application at the City offices at 39707 Big Bear Boulevard, or download one from the City’s website; the application deadline is May 27.