Big Bear Lake, CA — The City of Big Bear Lake, like the Big Bear City Community Services District, will be participating in the County of San Bernardino’s free dump day this Saturday, April 10. In partnership with Big Bear Disposal, the City will allow for the dumping of appliances, yard waste, tree trimmings, and furniture, in addition to regular household trash; Big Bear Lake residents may take these items to the Clean Bear Disposal Site #1, located at 41970 Garstin Drive from 8am to 3pm. Other items that will be accepted on Big Bear Lake’s dump day include cell phones, televisions, fluorescent tubes, microwave ovens, VCRs, computers, aerosol cans, telephones, stereos, clothes irons, space heaters, thermostats and batteries. Big Bear Lake residents with questions on the April 10 dumping opportunity should call Big Bear Disposal at 866-3942. CSD’s dump day for East Valley residents will be held at the Paradise Maintenance Yard on Paradise Way in Big Bear City, and also runs from 8am to 3pm.