Big Bear, CA, February 7th, 2016 – The Big Bear Lake Department of Water and Power approved changes to its conservation policy Jan. 26, including more clearly spelling out potential fines for extreme water wasters, as well as offering new rebates for replacing old toilets and fixtures.
The policy shifts were made in response to state-level changes last year. In April, the California Energy Commission approved new standards for appliances such as toilets, which took effect Jan. 1. In June, the governor signed a bill increasing potential penalties for violating requirements of a water agency conservation program. Those penalties now include an allowance for misdemeanor charges and fines up to $10,000 for those who fail to comply with conservation program requirements 30 days after receiving initial notice, and an additional $500 per day after that.
A Department of Water and Power agenda report on the conservation policy changes said “While we do not anticipate the pursuit of fines, we believe we should reference the ordinance in the Conservation Policy to ensure customers are aware of possible penalties for repeat violations”.