Big Bear, Ca February 28, 2011 12:00 pm – What grows in a Big Bear garden? According to the new book about Big Bear Elementary School’s Community Garden, some wonderful things. The book was illustrated and designed by Big Bear High School student and artist Katie Adams. She began creating the watercolors for the book when she was 13, finishing two years later. Katie went on to learn the InDesign program, and completed the book’s layout last year. With text by Beth Gardner, Jean Sweet, and Tim Wood, and photographs by Tim Wolcott, the book is published by the Lighthouse Project. First run, limited edition copies are available at Big Bear Elementary School, the Gallery of the American Landscape, Big Bear Book & Bean, and online through the Lighthouse Project website. Proceeds will benefit the creation of gardens at more schools in the Big Bear Valley. What grows in a garden? In Big Bear Elementary’s garden, they grew the love of community involvement, the joy of accomplishment, good food, and a beautiful book, a tribute to the children of Big Bear and their mentors.