Big Bear, Ca, June 24, 2011, 3:00pm – The Big Bear Bridge was filled with people, cars and bicycles today for the Big Bear Bridge Celebration. Hundreds of people came together to celebrate the bridge that has been in the works for the past 28 years. The Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club brought state and local dignitaries in on a selection of antique cars, and the Big Bear Cycling Association had over 75 cyclists ride in on the bridge. CalTrans District 8 Director Dr. Raymond Wolfe thanked Flat Iron Construction for their work on the bridge, and thanked the residents for dealing with construction for the past 2 ½ years. Senator Bob Dutton, Assemblyman Paul Cook, and San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry all shared their excitement about the bridge opening, and how Big Bear is a wonderful area for recreation. Big Bear Mayor Bill Jahn spoke about how the bridge opening up will make it easier for people to get to and from the Big Bear Valley. All the speakers spoke about how beautiful the bridge is, and how happy they are to have it completed. Mayor Jahn, and Dr. Raymond Wolfe cut the ribbon, followed by the Time Bandit pirate ship shooting off its cannon’s in celebration. Other boats, and paddlers shared in the celebration in the lake, and those who had to work, or couldent make it to the celebration tuned into a live broadcast via KBHR 93.3fm. The bridge is now open, and as Dr. Raymond Wolfe said “Big Bear is now open for business.”