Members of the Big Bear Amateur Radio Club will be “hamming” it up at Bear Mountain Resort this weekend, as part of the national Amateur Radio Relay League’s Field Day, which is the culmination of Amateur Radio Week. Ham radio operators, who were said to be instrumental in communicating efforts to save lives and property in instances such as Hurricane Katrina, provide free information during emergency situations; there are more than 650,000 amateur radio licensees in the U.S., more than 2.5 million around the world and, in Big Bear, ham operators have been banded together as the Big Bear Amateur Radio Club since 1975. This weekend’s 24-hour field day, from noon Saturday through noon on Sunday, will be held at the southeast corner of the Bear Mountain parking lot. The public is welcome to come check out ham radio’s new capabilities and get information on earning an FCC radio license; says the Big Bear Amateur Radio Club’s Bill Young, “It’s all kinds of fun!”