Big Bear Lake, CA — Snowplow operators with the City of Big Bear Lake, including private contractors employed by the city, have been working round the clock to remove snow from city streets. The first priority for the Public Works crews is to remove enough snow from streets to make them safely passable for emergency vehicles. Once roads are passable, snowplow operators’ second priority is to widen the street and, third, to implement berm reduction. Cheri Haggerty with the City of Big Bear Lake tells KBHR, “With a storm this heavy, berm reduction may be 24 to 72 hours after the storm lets up. We want to help everybody, as soon as we can get to it.” Berm reduction is done where snow is piled up in front of driveways, particularly those that are marked with the orange poles, which are available at the Big Bear Lake Civic Center at a cost of $25 per pair. But, again, just know that berm reduction is coming to those within Big Bear Lake, though this aspect of snow removal won’t be implemented until streets are first cleared of snow. And, just a reminder, “Snow Conditions” are in effect, so no parking on city streets to allow for ongoing snowplow operations; vehicles blocking snowplows may be towed or ticketed. Per City Manager Jeff Mathieu, “Tolerance and understanding are desired in this most difficult storm period. We have all crews and equipment and resources deployed to primarily keep our passageways open for our first responders.”