The Bearly Speaking Toastmasters Club is the talk of Toastmasters, if you will, as our local group has received the Chuck Weck Award for public relations and community outreach efforts—and this, out of more than 100 Toastmasters clubs in District 12, which covers San Bernardino, Riverside, and East Los Angeles Counties, and for the third year in a row. The Bearly Speaking Toastmasters Club earned the Chuck Weck Award, named for a past District 12 Governor, for their participation in community events, including Old Miners’ Days, the Spellathon at the library, and Big Bear Chamber of Commerce activities. And within our own Toastmasters group, E.T. Russell was honored as Toastmaster of the Year. Per President Steve Cain, “E.T. demonstrates her enthusiasm and support for the Toastmasters’ mission every day.” As a member of Toastmasters since 1983, Russell, now the local group’s V.P. of Public Relations, says, “I’m grateful for the communications techniques I’ve learned, and I still try to apply them in my everyday interactions.” Bearly Speaking Toastmasters, whose mission is to provide a supportive learning environment in which members can develop communication and leadership skills, meets at 6pm each first and third Tuesday (including tomorrow) at Boo Bears Restaurant in the Village. For more information about Bearly Speaking, call 866-8849.