Big Bear Valley, CA, July 29, 2010, 3:00pm – Next week on Tuesday, August 3rd, will be the start of the school year for students enrolled in the Bear Valley Unified School District’s 2010-2011 school year. BVUSD operates under the guidelines for a modified-traditional school year calendar. If you are new to the Valley or have not registered your child for school yet, school site personnel are available this week on Friday for registration. Parents and students need to note that this year all of the schools will have a different start time than last year. Questions may be answered by contacting the schools directly or visiting the District Office website at bigbear.k12.ca.us. Bus route information can also be viewed on the transportation website at bigbearschoolbus.com. Tomorrow, Friday, July 30th at the high school is “Freshman Friday” for all incoming freshman students from 3pm to 5pm. The event is conducted by the Associated Student Body and is primarily for incoming freshmen for a tour of the campus but parents are welcome. High School students will find out their class lists on the first day of school. New this school year, for Big Bear Elementary School families only, the school will be implementing school uniforms known as learning clothes. As a public school system, they are required to offer an opt-out policy, but, are encouraging parents and students to opt-in for the success of the new program. Last spring, the school had surveyed families for their opinion on whether or not they would support a uniform policy and they received an 85% positive response. Learning clothes are available at the Children’s Closet, the Hummingbird Thrift Store, Old Navy and Target. Currently, the Children’s Closet is offering a 40% discount on learning clothes. For BBES families in need of assistance with the purchase of learning clothes, clothing donations have been secured and a payment plan will also be offered. This week the school will be selling some learning clothes for families in need at a reduced price as well as selling school T-shirts. For more information visit the school’s blog site at bbes.edublogs.org. BBES is also going to a no homework policy for all grades with the exception of nightly reading. Therefore, students also will not need to have backpacks at BBES. Big Bear Elementary will post student class list on Monday, August 2nd after 4pm. Baldwin Lane Elementary School is holding a Kindergarten Visitation for kinders and their parents on Friday, July 30th from 2p to 3pm. Their Back to School Night for parents only will be on August 5th from 6p to 7pm. New at Baldwin Lane this year, all students and staff will join the 100 Mile Club promoting fitness with the kick off on Friday, August 6th at 2pm. The school’s goal is to have all students and staff run, walk or jog 100 miles by the end of the school year. Baldwin Lane Elementary will post student class lists after 5pm on Monday, August 2nd. For North Shore Elementary School, kindergarten teachers will be contacting all parents of incoming kinders over the next few days to answer any questions families may have. North Shore Elementary will be posting their class lists earlier than other schools. Their lists will be posted sometime over this weekend. At the Big Bear Middle School, 7th graders and their parents as well as students new to the school are welcome to attend an orientation on Monday, August 2nd at 4pm. Seventh graders who attend will receive their full class schedule and have a chance to tour the school. PE clothes and pre-payment for yearbooks will offered for purchase. All students can preview their homeroom information beginning Monday, August 2nd after 4pm. 8th graders will receive their full class schedule on the first day of school.