Big Bear Lake, CA, July 23, 2010, 4:45pm – Some changes have been made with Big Bear Lake residents who applied to serve on the Planning Commission and the Department of Water and Power Board of Commissioners for one seat on each for terms that extend through June 30, 2013. According to the City of Big Bear Lake City Clerk, applications were accepted from Barbara Willey for both Board positions; however, she subsequently withdrew her applications for both the Planning Commission and the DWP Board of Commissioners for unknown reasons. Local residents who applied for and are still in the running for the Planning Commission are Mary Jones, Don Smith, Robert Jackowski, Todd Bittner, Rusty Barnes, Jerry Roberts and Curtis Bryant. Applications were accepted for the one seat on the DWP Board from Douglas MacIver, Don Smith and Robert Jackowski. Big Bear Lake City Council members will conduct interviews with the applicants in the near future.