Big Bear, Ca, September 21, 2010, 8:00am – The 4th Annual First Lt. Jared M. Landaker Memorial Run for Freedom will be held at Snow Summit this Saturday, September 25th. There is a 5k, 10k, and 15K Run/Walk, with a 1 mile Family Fun Walk, and is an event for all ages and levels of activity. The opening ceremony will start 8:45am with the Marine Corps League Color Guard leading the flag salute, a releasing of doves, and CH-46 helicopters performing a fly-by to start the race. It is an emotional but patriotic event and it is a fun way to show your support for our military and their families. All proceeds raised go to the Seven Stars Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization, which provides financial and emotional assistance to those who have and are serving our nation. The Seven Stars Foundation also provides local high school scholarships and meals at the Barnstorm Cafe for all military personnel who fly in on training missions. Many of those aviators are now serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Seven Stars Foundation began when the seven crew members of a US Marine Corps CH-46 Casevac helicopter was shot down in Iraq on Feb. 7th, 2007 on their last mission. For more information visit sevenstarsfoundation.com.