Big Bear Lake, CA, March 27, 2014 – The relocation of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo took a step forward this week, when the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors completed the final step required in the environmental review: adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration. This allows the Special Districts Department to proceed with development of the new site.
The relocation of the zoo to the northern end of Bear Mountain Golf Course will improve its visibility and improve the experience for both animals and visitors. The five-acre site will allow larger enclosures, increase rehabilitation capacity and accommodate more educational programs. An extra benefit is that moving to a property owned by Special Districts will eliminate leasing costs.
The Big Bear Zoo is the only one of its kind in California and only one of two in the nation, offering a safe haven for injured, orphaned and imprinted wild animals–including two snow leopards that will soon make the facility their home.
County Supervisor James Ramos said, “Relocating the Big Bear Zoo will create a more dynamic and visitor-friendly park for residents throughout the county, the region, and the nation to enjoy while also providing a larger and improved space to nurture the injured animals who come to call it home.”