Big Bear Lake, CA, January 23, 2013 – Continuing the push to rebuild California’s infrastructure, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) has allocated $64 million to 43 projects that will reduce traffic congestion and repair highways, local streets, and bridges. The allocations include $42 million from Proposition 1B, a transportation bond approved by voters in 2006. In total, approximately $14.7 billion in Proposition 1B funds have been distributed statewide. The remaining $22 million in allocations came from assorted transportation accounts funded by state and federal money. $1.2 million has been allocated to a project in the City of Big Bear Lake on Village Drive from Big Bear Boulevard to Stocker Road, and on Pine Knot Avenue from Cameron Drive to Big Bear Boulevard.
The project will reconstruct the roadway, replace curb, curb ramps, the gutter and sidewalk, and install new drainage facilities.