The Triumphest 2011 Autocross event will be held at the Big Bear Airport on Friday – September 16th, 2011 – from 9am to 3:30pm (break Noon to 1pm). It is part of a 3-day event called Triumphest, which is an annual West coast gathering of vintage Triumph sports cars, this year attracting about 150 Triumph sports cars. The event will be hosted by one of the Los Angeles Triumph clubs, the Triumph Register of Southern California (TRSC). This group formed in 1977 by a small band of enthusiasts, TRSC has since served as a rallying point for Triumph owners from across Southern California. Members’ cars encompass virtually every post-war model produced by Triumph. Triumphest Autocross cars in this event were manufactured in England between 1954 and 1981. Autocross is a low-speed event where-in vintage cars compete against the clock while on a driving course to emphasize the cars handling and maneuverability, testing driver skill rather than speed. The course set-up is short and cars run through in 50 to 60 seconds each. More information can be found at above all driving a vintage Triumph is a thrill that can’t be found at any other venue. Spectators will need to bring their own chair; seating is limited and free to the public. a liability waiver to enter this event at gate 15.