Big Bear Lake Song Festival will be offering three song recitals in collaboration with the Arts Council of Big Bear Valley. All of these recitals are FREE to thepublic, no tickets are required. The first recital will be offered by four distinguished faculty artists on Wednesday, June 8th at 7 p.m. and is a part of the “Music at theMansion” series at the historic Knickerbocker Mansion. Our second recital willalso be a part of the “Music of the Mansion” series at the Knickerbocker Mansionon Thursday evening June 9th at 7 p.m. and will feature our festival participants in alighter evening of musical theater and operetta selections. To close our festival, thefinal evening recital will feature our participants in a classical evening of song at theBig Bear Performing Arts Center on Saturday, June 11th at 7 p.m. For more details please visit website or call the Arts Council at (909) 585-2907.