San Bernardino, CA May 24, 2016 – The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved the construction contract for the Big Bear Alpine Zoo Relocation Project with M.S. Construction Management Group. Without haste, the Zoo groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Friday May 27, 2016 at 3:00 pm at the new Zoo site. During Tuesday’s meeting, many local officials spoke in favor of moving the Zoo project forward. Mayor David Caretto, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Jahn, Friends of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo President, Kathy Greenwood, and Rick Herrick, NAY Foundation Chairman, were among the speakers who thanked Chairman James Ramos for his leadership in relocating the Zoo.
Ramos commented, “I gave my commitment to the community of the Big Bear Valley that the zoo relocation project would become a reality and I am happy to say that we are one step closer. With the collaborative support of our Department of Special Districts, the City of Big Bear Lake, Friends of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo, and the NAY Foundation, we have been able to bring this project to fruition”.
The $8,500,000 construction contract includes partial funding from local zoo support groups. The Friends of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo has committed $500,000, and $1,000,000 will come from the Gene and Blanch Nay Foundation whose mission is to give financial support for animal care and feeding.
Big Bear Valley Recreation and Parks District Operations Manager Reese Troublefield said, “This is an exciting time to work for the district as we are really building our new Zoo!” Bob Cisneros, Curator of the Big Bear Alpine Zoo stated, “This is a great achievement for our community”.
The public is invited to the groundbreaking ceremony. Snacks and refreshments will be served and during the ceremony Supervisor James Ramos will conduct a Native American Naming Ceremony for the recently rescued red tailed hawk. The new Zoo is expected to open by the winter of 2018.