San Bernardino County, CA — The San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters today, June 24, officially certified the results of the June 8 Statewide Primary Election, which included a county-wide voter turnout of just 27.20 percent; of the 217,967 voters who cast a ballot for the June 8 election, nearly 15 percent of those were by mail. Those candidates who have secured, or retained, positions are as follows: U.S. Congressman Jerry Lewis will represent the Republican party in the November General Election against Democrat Pat Meagher; Dr. Gary Thomas continues as County Superintendent of Schools; current Assessor appointee Dennis Draeger is now the elected Assessor for the county; Larry Walker continues as Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector; District Attorney Michael Ramos retains his position; and San Bernardino County Sheriff/Coroner Rod Hoops is elected to continue on in his appointed position.