Big Bear Lake, CA — Big Bear’s award-winning Sheriff’s Explorers who, in their latest Southern California Regional Explorer Competition, brought home a second place trophy from the two-day event which included real-life police scenarios and exercises, are welcoming new recruits. Youth ages 14 to 21 interested in exploring a career in law enforcement can participate in the program, which provides training in physical fitness, weaponless defense, chemical agents and law enforcement fundamentals, while also allowing Explorers to assist Big Bear Sheriff’s Station deputies in patrol assignments. Sheriff’s Explorers is open to students with at least a ‘C’ average who pass an oral interview and background investigation. To find out more about the program offered through the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station, prospective Explorers are welcomed to a 5pm meeting on Wednesday, April 14, which will be held at the station on the corner of Big Bear and Summit Boulevards. In the meantime, our Explorer Post 511 will benefit from a taco fundraiser being held at Sonora Cantina on Monday, from noon to 9pm; Old Country Inn, next door, will also offer spaghetti for $5.99, with proceeds to be used to prepare mountain-area Explorer posts for summer competitions.