A Code Enforcement sweep of the Sugarloaf area conducted on Tuesday of this week resulted in 42 vehicles, boats and trailers in violation of County and vehicle codes being towed. The Problem Oriented Policing (POP) project was carried out by deputies of the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station, California Highway Patrol officers, and officials from San Bernardino County Code Enforcement in response to numerous complaints from local residents. This is the third Code Enforcement sweep that has been performed in the Big Bear Valley within the last three months. To date, a total of 121 tows have been conducted, in addition to several cases being opened on residences in violation of County codes, and numerous other citations being written for violation of County and vehicle codes. Notice of the sweep performed in the Sugarloaf area was made in advance of the POP project to allow residents time to ensure their vehicles and properties were not in violation. It is noted by the Sheriff’s Department that the advance notice to the public resulted in a reduction of tows and citations being issued. The collaborative Code Enforcement sweeps are being conducted to assist those homeowners who maintain their properties to meet current code requirements from decreased property values associated with abandoned vehicles and refuse and debris in neighboring yards. Notice of future sweeps will be announced as dates are scheduled.