Our community is strong and is showing, once again, that our fortitude and resolve will get us through these difficult times. No one has been spared in sharing the hardships of social distancing, closed businesses, lost jobs and the potential losses of community members. A “healthy” level of paranoia is in order to protect ourselves and each other.
After being in isolation for 10 days followed by a night in the UCSD emergency room, I continued my self quarantine off the mountain for another 8 days. The lower altitude certainly helped my lungs to absorb additional oxygen. I am approaching the time to return to Big Bear and get reabsorbed back into our community once feeling 100%. Although the experts say that Cathy and I will now be coronavirus resistant we will still practice proper hygiene, social distancing, disinfecting surfaces and encouraging others to stay home if they feel sick. In addition The City of Big Bear Lake, Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency and the Big Bear Fire District are conducting meetings via Zoom and teleconferencing in order to slow contagion. My wife Cathy who is president of The Bear Valley Unified School District is meeting via zoom as well.
I hope this message finds you and your family well and weathering this storm in relative comfort. Help your friends and neighbors when possible, follow the health guidelines and be well because the worst may still lay ahead.