Sacramento, Ca, November 3, 2010, 1:00pm – With 99.2% of precincts reporting statewide, the results for the California general election are as follows. Democrat Jerry Brown won the Govenor seat with 53.7% of the vote, followed by Republican Meg Whitman with 41.3% of the vote. For the office of Lieutenant Governor, former San Francisco Mayor Democrat Gavin Newsom has been elected with 50% of the vote, followed by Republican Abel Maldonado with 39.5% of the vote. Incumbents Debra Bowen and John Chiang, and Bill Lockyer kept their seats as the Secretary of State, Controller, and Treasurer. The race for Attorney General is extremely close with Kamala Harris currently leading with 45.9 % of the vote, followed by Steve Cooley with 45.7% of the vote. For state senate Incumbent Barbara Boxer has retained her seat with 52% of the vote followed by Carly Fiorina with 42.6% of the vote.
The propositions were fairly equal with half being approved and half being rejected. Prop 19, the proposition to legalize Marijuana failed with 46.1%, Prop 20, the redistricting of congressional districts passed with 61.2 % in favor, Prop 21, which would have increase state park funding through vehicle license surchage failed with only 41.9% of the vote. Prop 22, which will prohib the state from taking local funds passed with 61%. Prop 23 which would have suspended air pollution laws failed with only 41.5 %, along with prop 24 that would have repealed allowence of lower business tax liabilty. Prop 25, the simple majority vote to pass the budget, and prop 26 the 2/3rds vote for some state and local fees both passed with over 52%, and Prop 27 which will eliminate state redistricting commission failed with only 40%.