Big Bear, Ca, February 14, 2011, 9:00am – A 2-megawatt solar power project has been proposed to top the Big Bear sanitary landfill site. Project Navigator, Ltd, a Brea, CA engineering firm has entered in to an option agreement with the County of San Bernardino to explore development of a photovoltaic facility on the closed landfill. If built, the site would provide enough power for approximately 2,000 homes, on land not usable for most other purposes. Local generation of this green power would reduce the valley’s need to import electricity and the costs associated with long transmission lines. Power from the project could move Bear Valley Electric towards its goal of providing 20% renewable power to local utility users. Building the solar facility would be expected to generate local jobs during construction and long-term jobs for maintaining the site. On Tuesday, February 15, a Power Purchase Agreement proposal will be submitted to Bear Valley Electric. When an agreement is reached, it would then be submitted to the California Public Utility Commission for review. Once a power agreement is in place, the project could then begin to seek private financing and begin the permitting process. PVNavigator, the solar power projects development group within Project Navigator, Ltd, is set to manage all phases of the project including design, permitting, financing, and implementation. Since 1997 the company has specialized in managing landfill closures and developing solar projects on the closed sites. For more information, go to the company’s website at www.pvnavigator.com or email Robert Potter at rpotter@projectnavigator.com.
[audio:https://kbhr933.com/wp-content/uploads/SP30432.mp3|titles=Proposed Solar Plant]