Two Bear Valley Unified School District students received medals of recognition for their participation in the 27th Annual RIMS Inland Science and Engineering Fair held this week at the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino. Local sixth grade students Elizabeth Herrick placed first and Taylor Waner placed second at the Big Bear Elementary School Science Fair last month, so were invited to The Inland Science and Engineering Fair, an annual competition of science projects designed, developed, and displayed by elementary and secondary students from schools in Riverside, Inyo, Mono and San Bernardino counties. Of the thousands of science fair projects completed, only 750 projects were accepted to exhibit at the fair with awards including trophies, medals, and the opportunity to go on to further competition at the California State Science Fair. This week, the girls presented their projects to a panel of judges, including educators and scientists, and returned last night for the awards ceremony. Both girls received bronze medals for their projects. Elizabeth Herrick’s project was titled “Do Boys or Girls Have a Better Memory?” and Taylor Waner’s project was titled “Got Aeration?”. On hand to present the awards was Dr. Gary Thomas, Superintendent of Schools for San Bernardino County.