Should you be looking to renew your commitment to the environment on this, Earth Day, residential recycling opportunities are available at both ends of the Big Bear Valley. Both Big Bear Disposal (in Big Bear Lake and Fawnskin) and the Community Services District (in Big Bear City and the East Valley) offer free recycling bins and pickup to full-time residents. For those serviced by Big Bear Disposal, green recycling cans are available from the offices on Garstin Drive, though can delivery is also available for those unable to make the trip. Big Bear Disposal picks up recyclables on residents’ trash days; acceptable items for recycling include glass bottles and jars (without lids) and all beverage bottles, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, plastic, rinsed food cans, and aluminum including foil. For more info, Big Bear Lake and Fawnskin residents can call Big Bear Disposal at 866-3942. Within the CSD service area, residents can call 585-2565 for recycle bin delivery. The CSD outlines recyclable and pickup specifics upon bin delivery; but, should you already have a CSD bin, know that acceptable items include glass, plastic, tin foil and styrofoam; but no cardboard or paper products at this time. On Earth Day and every day, you can help our environment when you reduce, reuse and recycle.