Big Bear, CA – Fire crews this week will continue prescribed burning operations across the forest, creating safe spaces for firefighters to be placed between communities and natural areas should a wildfire occur. This week’s targeted locations include:
– Various fire stations in the San Bernardino Mountains, including the Fawnskin, Big Pine Flats (off Coxey Road/3N14) and Cottonwood (near Silverwood Lake) stations.
– Baldwin Lake, east of Big Bear and off Shay Rd. and off Hwy 38 (Up to 100 acres of piles/day)
– Angelus Oaks, off Hwy 38 (40 acres/200 piles)
– City Creek Rd. (1N09), off Hwy 330 between Running Springs and Highland (30 piles/20 acres)
Burning will occur only when weather and air quality conditions permit.
To date, fire crews have accomplished over 800 acres of fuels reduction across the San Bernardino National Forest for the 2019/2020 winter season.