A Ready! Set! Go! Wildfire Action Plan is being considered for the City of Big Bear Lake. As presented by Big Bear Lake Fire Department Chief Rod Ballard in yesterday’s meeting of the City’s Fire Protection District Board (which is made up of City Council and chaired by Darrell Mulvihill), the Ready! Set! Go! program would outline preparation and proactive steps that residents can take to deal with the ever-present fire danger and, in the event of a wildland fire, would serve to reduce life and property loss. This program is supported by the U.S. Forest Service and regional fire departments, including CalFire and the San Bernardino County Fire Department. Some of the program goals, as outlined for the Fire Protection District, are to improve evacuation procedures and safety for both firefighters and the public and, further, community-wide acceptance of the strategies designed to decrease risk to persons and property. The Board for the Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District asked that additional input be incorporated into the program before adoption, which will be on the agenda at a future meeting of the Fire Protection District, which now meets monthly. If approved, a public education booklet would be produced using funds from the Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District, which is taking a more active role in setting policy for the City of Big Bear Lake.