The Board of Directors of the Big Bear City Community Services District have adjourned their regular board meeting for the third Monday of the month, as February 16 is Presidents Day. CSD committees do have other meetings scheduled, however, including this afternoon’s 4pm meeting of the Water Committee. The public is welcome to attend this meeting, to be held at the CSD offices at 139 E. Big Bear Boulevard; the agenda includes discussion on construction of a booster station to increase the production of the Van Dusen slant wells and review of staff’s comment letter with regard to the assessment for supplemental water sources for the DWP’s service area. CSD’s Park and Recreation Committee is scheduled to meet with the Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District on Tuesday, February 17 to review the EIR and proposition funding status for Paradise Park, the joint project of the two districts. The park meeting will be held at the Big Bear Senior Center at 4pm next Tuesday.