San Bernardino County Supervisors convened yesterday (March 2), and during their meeting in San Bernardino addressed a few items specific to the Big Bear Valley, which falls within the County’s Third District (of five). Given more than anticipated snowfall this season, County Supervisors unanimously approved an increase to blanket purchase orders for snow removal contracts with both Ken Willis Construction and Romans Construction, Inc. for roads within the unincorporated portions of the Valley, specifically at the east end. The existing contract with Willis had been for $100,000 though, as one storm incurred over $109,000 in plowing services, this contract will now extend to $200,000 in snow removal services; the Romans contract was extended to allow for plowing in the newly formed road district in Erwin Lake.
Supervisors also approved a construction contract in the amount of nearly $62,000 with Axis Controls, Inc. of Irvine for a vacuum control panel replacement project for County Service Area 53B, or Fawnskin. Sewer collection lift stations, installed in the 1970s, have reached the end of their service life, so replacement of the original control panel should alleviate disruptions of sewer service in the Fawnskin area.
And, given Tuesday’s unanimous vote, Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District Advisory Commissioner Don Pletcher has been re-appointed, and will serve a term through January 2014. With Pletcher continuing on the Advisory Commission of (now) five, which includes Kathryn Poole, Bob Ybarra and Gloria Rose, one vacancy remains. Those interested in appointment to the Rec and Park Advisory Commission by Third District County Supervisor Neil Derry can apply via the website of the County’s Clerk of the Board (see the top link under “Forms”).