Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – The City is excited to engage the Big Bear community in the development of an updated community vision, and the City Council is scheduled to consider the first steps in this process in the coming weeks.
At the April 4 meeting, Council is expected to consider and potentially award a contract with a consulting group to lead the community vision process, which will involve robust public engagement in the coming months. The selected consultant will guide the City through this process over the next 6 – 9 months, and will ultimately incorporate the entire community’s input to develop a new vision for our community. The last time the City engaged in this process was in the mid and late 1990s. Much has changed in our society and our community since that time, and the City wants to ensure that the City’s future vision reflects the needs and desires of our community.
A key part of this process is the appointment of a citizens advisory committee to steer this process over the next 6 – 9 months, and these appointments are expected to be made in April or May. The citizens advisory committee will include more than 20 community members, representing a variety of community interests, and this group will provide important guidance to the consulting firm as the City seeks to secure meaningful public input from the entire community in the coming months. Ultimately, the Planning Board and City Council will review the final report later this year, with the City Council formally adopting the new community vision. The new community vision will then be used as the starting point for the development of a new General Plan for the City in the coming years.
It is anticipated that this planning process will incorporate the entire community’s input on many important topics and issues facing the City, including residential quality of life, a vibrant local economy, the importance of tourism, the need to effectively balance visitor impacts, transportation issues, the development of new parks and recreation infrastructure, environmental quality, and much more. Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate in this critical process!