Big Bear News, Big Bear Lake, Ca – With the height of fire season upon us, and in an effort to promote the creation of defensible space, City Council has approved a new program, offering free vegetative debris chipping and collection for residents and property owners.
The new program allows City residents and property owners to pile the vegetative debris adjacent to their property in an accessible space and request chipping service by visiting www.freechipping.org. Once a request is entered, the City will coordinate the chipping and removal of this debris within 2 – 3 weeks, all at no cost to the resident. This program is available to all residential property owners within the City limits, and is intended to mirror the service previously provided by the Fire Department.
Chipping and collection requests will be accepted via the website, www.freechipping.org, now through September 17, with all services completed by early October.
For more information, please call the Public Works Division at (909) 866-7521. Please note that requests for chipping service will only be accepted through the website.