Those traveling along Big Bear Boulevard in Big Bear Lake today may have noticed that new signage has been installed in front of the Big Bear Lake Fire Department at Main Street. The new sign, which looks like an electronic freeway sign, is actually a permanent CMS, or changeable message sign, which was installed by CalTrans this morning, and is on the Boulevard’s northern side, facing west-bound traffic. The new CMS will be used for traffic condition updates and Amber Alerts though, notes Terri Kasinga of CalTrans, is primarily intended to alert motorists to closures on Highway 18 before they reach the western-most part of Big Bear Lake. Before the sign is functional, however, the signal light at the Boulevard and Main will be relocated, and the hope is to have the CMS operational before the Christmas holiday. CalTrans has funded the project, though the City of Big Bear Lake provided the property on which the sign is situated.