Bear Valley Unified School District welcomed new Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nancy Wright in a reception in the new Big Bear Middle School cafeteria last night, in an event that included school teachers and staff, as well as past BVUSD Superintendents Dr. Russ Reynolds and Dr. Rudy Macioge (who has served as recent interim sup’), past Assistant Superintendents Dr. Al Waner (also the past President of the San Bernardino County Board of Education) and Tony Kerst and, quite notably, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gary Thomas. In his opening remarks, Dr. Thomas said, “I think you have an exceptional superintendent, and this is an exceptional district. I love the town’s spirit here, and the pride you take in your schools.” In fact, he noted, BVUSD has increased API test scores by 14 points this year, to rank as the fifth highest of the county’s 20 unified districts.
In introducing Dr. Nancy Wright, a former principal, superintendent and teacher of grades kindergarten through ninth, School Board President Debra Sarkisian said, “At the end of the interviewing process, it was unanimous.” BVUSD Trustees Sarkisian, Randall Putz, Paul Zamoyta, Beverly Grabe and 30-year veteran Dr. Ken Turney conducted a national search and, 27 applicants later, Sarkisian added, “We felt she was the best possible match for Bear Valley.”

In her remarks, Dr. Wright started with, “First of all, please call me Nancy” before noting, “This is my third day on the job, and I love it! The kids are spectacular.” She told those in attendance that she has always wanted to live in the mountains (and spent much of her 30-year career in Colorado) and, she told teachers, “My job is to remove the barriers that keep you from giving 100% of your energy to your kids.” In her first days on the job, our new superintendent has already visited Fallsvale Elementary, Big Bear Middle School and Big Bear High School, prompting her to say, “These are outstanding facilities and we promise you that we will take care of your investment.” She reiterated that she was thrilled and honored to join the BVUSD team and, before moving on to the Board meeting, shared her mantra, taken from Theodore Roosevelt, “’The best gift that life has to offer is to work hard at work worth doing.’ I am excited to think about creating the future for the kids in Big Bear Valley.”