Big Bear Valley, CA — In anticipation of the Amgen Tour of California, which cycles into Big Bear next Friday afternoon, May 21, local students will be treated to some special assemblies today, May 10. The Bear Valley Trails Foundation has arranged for professional cyclists—not those from the tour, as they are in preparation for the race that begins next week, but some up-and-coming pros, including a hand-cycling racer—to speak to BVUSD students, starting with Baldwin Lane Elementary in the morning, then continuing to Big Bear Middle School, Big Bear Elementary and North Shore Elementary. Should your child get into the spirit of cycling, there will be another opportunity, this weekend, to participate in a free community bike ride, which launches from Snow Summit’s Brownie Lane parking lot in the 10am hour on Saturday. For details, read Big Bear Ride: Free Community Bike Tours Offered on Saturdays in May; for specifics on what the Amgen Tour will mean for locals, in terms of visitors and roads, you can read KBHR’s Spectators’ Guide to Enjoying the Amgen Tour of California in Big Bear Lake.